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There are FOUR STEPS in making your recorded music sound great:  

1.  Start with the best possible live performances in the recording studio,

2.  A good multi-track recordings is next,

3.  Then, excellent mixing of those best sounding tracks comes third. And, last,

4.  Professional Mastering of those best mixes completes the job. 

Nothing can replace each of these four steps if you want to have the best sound and strongest impact on your listening audience wherever it is played, from YouTube to HBO to Clear Channel radio. Whatever the musical style you perform in, from Rap to Dance, to Folk to Pop to R&B to Indy Alt, to Jazz to Rock to Classical, the performances must be great, the recordings must be full and complete, the mixing must be professional and focus on what's great about the performance, and the mastering must be competitive to shape your sound to compete with all the major label music that out there.

A good analogy to Professional Mastering begins with thinking about a red Ferrari race car.  The shape is wonderful, the motor and design is awesome, but, if the car had left the plant and just sat on the street without the fantastically beautiful glossy Ferrari red paint, as well as the shiny chrome and dark interior leather and fine, warm polished wood touches, the car would make absolutely no impression, nobody would notice the great design, and, truly, it wouldn't be a real Ferrari, it would be incomplete.

It's the same with sound: to have an excellent mix of music, and then not to master is the same failure to finish the job. Your music will be far less noticed because the various polishes, fixes and enhancements that a Professional Mastering house will bring to your sound are the equivalent to the red paint and the polished chrome and wood and leather of the luxury car.  Mastering makes your music sound more real and warmer, more vivid, punchier, louder and more emotionally powerful. An experienced mastering engineer, at the all important last mastering step, by selecting and using unique techniques such as dynamic compression, both static and dynamic equalization, dynamic range adjustments, up-sampling, level balance, noise removal, stereo spatial adjustment, ambience enhancement and other tools as well to correct fades and cross-fades, creates for you a well-mastered record that becomes, just like that brand new, bright red Ferrari, a completely finished product. With Professional Mastering, your music becomes a polished and special thing that now sounds and feels complete and totally original as well as becoming fully competitive with the best music out there now.

We have seen and heard the power of professional mastering turn a good track or album into a great one, and, sometimes, even make the difference between a good track and a hit. Whether that's your goal or just to make beautiful music, American Mastering knows the right mastering for you will make all the difference in the world sonically, and you will hear that with your own ears. Please call us or email to inquire about our work, our philosophy of great sounding music, our availability and our rates. American Mastering has worked with the best artists in the world (see our Testimonials) but we also believe in often giving the unknown a chance as well, and, for that reason we have a sliding cost scale. We are surprisingly affordable if your timing is good, so call us and we can tell you what you need to know to get what you need to have for your music: Professional American mastering, from the experts at American Mastering.

American Mastering 347-333-1605  infoaml@yahoo.com